File to the recipes. Upload on Satisfactorytools.
- Image
- Recipe
- 200 Plastic 66.67 fuel
- 180 Plastic 60 fuel
- Plastic part 1, part 2 and part 3
- The truck station
- Copper Ingots
- Rest of the Factory
Circuit Board
- Image
- Recipe
- Reddit Post
Tier 1 items
- 12 Rotors
- 10 Modular Frames
- 10 Reinforce Iron Plates
- Recipe
- Reddit post 1
- Reddit post 2
All this because I did not like how the other ones made it to the train station.
See Fuel
See Fuel
See Fuel
Packaged Fuel
- The Imagination
- 1200 Crude Oil
- 800 Rubber 800 Fuel
- 1600 Water
- 1600 Empty Cannisters
- 1600 Packaged water
- 800 Fuel
- 1600 Packed Water
- 1600 Packaged Fuel
- 1600 Packaged Fuel
- 1600 Empty Cannisters
- 1600 Fuel
4 groups. Each 300 crude oil to 200 rubber and 200 HOR. 400 water to 400 canisters. All to 400 fuel and to 136 Fuel Generators.
- 4×10 Rubber refineries
- 4×7 Diluted Fuel refineries
- 4×7 unpackager
- 4×7 packager
- 4×34 fuel generators
Turbo Fuel
To be done when there are Blenders. Coal for now