Things to do
- Double Coal Power
- Power storage to launch Coal
- Have a separate power storage per factory. Running 1 hour.
- Plan the Storage filter. (Must wait for programmable splitters)
- Place signs for the splitters and belts.
Have fun
Inspiring posts
- Mood board
- Another board
- Tier 1-4 factory Link Edit when needed.
- Make a factory where all belts are inside pillars
- Make a real building inspired factory. (Schloss Elmau?)
- Road system between factories
- Clipped light. Put signs through them. Orig
- End caps on machines Idea from u/HoundLine
- Building Everything
- 10 motors for a motor factory using single machines. Lines on the floor with beams. Under floor belts. Overclock each block
- Place a drone port under the map, so the landing is at the same height as the map.
Things to do
Remove the folowing items from the map:
- Hard Drives
- SummerSloops
- Mercer Spheres