Bug report

Some posts to verify:

* [Know issues and solved things](https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1ff6c45/patch_notes_v1001_build_366202/)
* [Some workarounds](https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/1fedhk5/10_known_issues_and_workarounds/)

Bug reports best reported on https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/

Always first look if the bug has already been posted here.
First look if the bug has already been reported. If so, upvote it and add comments if needed. Only if it is not, file a new bug report.

Best also to post the link to the bug, so people can see that it has been reported and can upvote it. This is the only way to be sure the developers will see it and actually solve the issue, instead of getting a workaround and thousands getting the same issue.